

You got sucked into a trap.
One that captures and engulfs you in darkness until you go insane.
It cuts you off from any outside contact,
which leaves you to dwell in the deepest, darkest parts of your mind.
Contemplate everything you could have done,
should have done.
What would have happened if you didn’t do this?
Would you still be in this literal hell hole?
You know you can’t get out.
There is no escape.
You slowly wither away to nothing by the power of self destruction.
Pretty soon, you will be nothing more than a useless blob of flesh and bone.
Your own mind will eat away at your soul and any feelings you ever had.
You will cease to exist.
Nobody will remember you.
Not your family, friends, the love of your life.
You will be nothing.
You try to cry yourself to sleep, to get out of the trap, even if only for an hour or two.
You soon give up.
It’s no use.
You’re stuck here in this dark, barren, wasteland until you die.
Until your soul becomes nonexistent.
It won’t come soon enough, though.
It is a slow, painful, inevitable death.
Are you already dead?
Is this the ‘afterlife’?
Is this the never ending inevitability that we call the end of mortality?
They come and go.
You think you see a light at the end of the tunnel, but once you make a break for it, you end up falling deeper.
And deeper, inside the dark eternal abyss.
Finally, accepting your fate, you let go.
You let go of everything you’ve been subconsciously holding on to.
Memories. Emotions. Feeling.
Your eyes shoot open on realization.
You haven’t been sucked into a trap.
You got pushed into a trap.
By whom you ask?
Autres oeuvres par Lelia Rhodes...
