
To Feel

Death takes the insecurities out of the living
They say things get better
If you stop fighting the anger goes away
The tears simply dry up
A sheet of ice freezes over the emotions
Leaving you numb
But broken
Storm clouds hover amongst the stars
Waiting to creep back in
Time moves slowly
But still it moves
The further I get from you, the more it wounds
Life cruelly goes on
Birds still wake
This earth still cries
The heavens shake
This world is cruel
This life restricts
Taking me further from you
With everything waking breath
I would stop the living to have you back
Give my life for one last kiss
There is a beauty to the restless
We wander amongst the alive
But everyday I find
The further you are with time
I don’t want to forget you
I don’t wish for this numbness
Or this heavy ice I carry
Oh if I could just change this
Rid me of this numbness
As emotions make you real
The distant dream you are becoming
Would never exist
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