
Lorna Bailey

My work is rooted in the myths and legends that sit within my own DNA and through the profundity of spiritual awakening.

My work is rooted in the myths and legends that sit within my own DNA and through the profundity of spiritual awakening.
I believe we all hold the memories of our ancestors - our body remembers lifetimes when the earth looked and felt different, one where giants roamed the earth, where races from other worlds came with their technologies and conquered the first evolving humans - mixed themselves with us.
Poetry is my humble path of remembering and honoring those that came before us, along with the stories they seeded into my genetic memories. Some who follow my work consider it to be at times prophetic. I come from a matrilineal line of seers and carry those gifts of sight so who knows what my work will mean to future peoples long after I am gone - what I know now is that this world is in a time of remaking itself and so my poetry prompts readers to drop into their own inner landscapes, to awaken, remember and rewrite a new future for this planet and all our children.

My first book of poetry was titled Voice of the Dragon - Vision dreams of the Crow Mother and was published through Author House in 2005. Available through Amazon UK.
