Cargando...'s the thing

so... here’s the thing
you flit
word to word
in the doorways shades and parallels
the absurd
with a drink on your mind
and despair on your lips
must I listen must I appear
drumming fingers
tap my knees
as you shirk
your responsibilities
hands clasped
the demons back
in a frogmarched irony
perplexed looks back
faceless drone
I’m fading out
as a radios dial
a white noisy riot
as your ministry
of commerce and steps
chased a peppermint rug
and money well spent
silent sneezes
blow the tissues flame out
they pause to a blurt
and a stream of look outs
and as I peer
beyond your suit
how did a man such as you
arrive at this station
a bubbling mess
this devolution in skin
a profit or a loss
means even less to a win
still I drift
far away from your lisp
still wondering why
I have to listen to this
and with a dah dah, dah
of the black and white misplaced keys
with a tang of thirsty insecticide
to choose my sporadic unease
digestives dunked
and hopes and dreams punced
all before high noon
and a grateful free lunch
so... here’s the thing
you flutter your lashes
and ice sprays the room
it spins
a windmills rotation
to a shuddering halt
on broken hard metal’s the thing
that cankers burst
it drips a nice poison
to all concerned
as their melody
plays them out
loves the isolation
the lone dream about
greasy face
the plasters fall
exposing wounds
to numb to heal
five days a week
hog tied into one
intends to boil me
removing my scum
and we lay
deathly, regally
and we’ll pass clouds
wholly, unevenly
but here’s the thing
this pains not a love
that expired way before
it groped and shoved
lactose blood
will flow over wood
and carve and burn an effigy
of could’s and should’s
leaving a lazy scar
that’s the prize of truth
its never really that far
to soak right through
so... here’s the thing
a false conscription
just an anti-depressant
took without conviction
eyes closed to a swallow
pillows held tight to faces
a merciful whim of chance
and love leaves no traces

A poem about day to day life, trying to cope with depression; trying to hide it, mask it.

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