

I paint my nails from friday to sunday,
and puts my rings on,
and i usually cant decide on a favourite song.
I hang out with friends
but then my parents tell me to make more,
dont listen to them, their advices wont change my situation.
i dye my hair in an original way,
fuck of that idea, saw it on pinterest.
My mom tries to convince me to dye it as the rest of my class.
My dad asks me if i wanna continue in the same school,
my heart says no, but my lips let out a sure.
“Blow the candles, happy birthay, you are turning 16 today.”
Suddendly i see a countdown floating uver my head,
and every teenage question almost makes me death in my head.
i should go out and give my first kiss,
I shound start drinking, “you are old enough to have sex,
you know you have the age for the experience”
I have never been in a relasionship,
the timer gets faster at 17.
I cannot be missing out the teenage experience.

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