
The fire it burns

Black smoke begins to creep in,
As a thunderous roar screams your sin,
Quick quick quick,
Get the Children,
Protect the kids,
But it’s too late,
This is not their fate
Clawing at their throat,
As it beings to fill with smoke
Quick quick quick
Get to safety,
Find somewhere to hide,
Crawling away with burning grasping their backs,
No were to hide as it seeps through crakes,
It climbs the walls,
It covers the halls,
Quick quick quick
Find the children
Where have they gone?
But it’s too late,
This is your fate,
The children are not gone,
For you are the ones who have moved on,
A large Hand appears,
That holds all your worst fears.
A mimicking Voice does call,
Quick quick quick
Try to hide
Try to disappear
But this is your fate,
For a life filled with hate.
Flames begin to grow
And fear begins its show,
A Crackling laugh,
A thunders scream,
The fire burns,
As hundreds yearn,
Their Cries for home,
All fills this dome,
Fire now surrounds hundreds in there new home.


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