
when she walked on grass

she wished that every blade of grass
would be hers forever
she promised them that when the others left
that she would never
she walked so gentle along the ground
as to leave it how she found
as to not make a sound
and disrupt Gods perfect symphony
a note
for every blade around
the blushing leaves
which fell for her
she fell in love with
and stayed
she felt safe wrapped in the forest arms
clasping hands
to God she prayed
that every piece of
all this peace
contained beneath the forest sheath
would hold every part
of her fragile heart
protecting what is underneath
she wished that every blade of grass
would be hers forever
she prayed that she could take with her this perfect life wherever
God was clever
would He take on such defeat
when she walked
on blades of grass
they cut her gentle feet
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