
Now that I am old

Now I’m getting older I wonder if there wll be
A time when life slows up and there’s a space for me
When no longer are their so many demands upon my time
When life becomes a pleasure and not a daily grind
When things I do are thought of as a gesture or a gift
When I amnot a surf to lifes sad eternal rift
Of children who can still demand as much as when so small
Despite the fact that  both  my sons are over six feet tall
Who’s daughters still demand so much emotionaly
When they expect that you will have their kids around for tea
When my husband still leaves his rubbish out to clear
And moans because his socks occasionaly dissapear
Even if they don’t know exactly how I feel
They act as if they are the ones who keep it all togeather
But men are unpridictable just like stormey weather
And kids believe that you are there because you are there mother


A mother of four and grandmother of seven I have found life very
demanding although I always want to be involved sometimes you find
yourself in the middle of everyone elses problems.

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