

I just want everyone to know how beautiful they are and most importantly beauty within

It has nothing to do with thick or thin

With so many social media posts of famous influencers and celebrities getting so much done how could one not question their face or body?

I see it more on girls than boys but it is an ongoing problem for both now

Social media, TV shows and movies tell you that you need to have a small waist big ass, big boobs, cute nose and big lips

As if being a girl isn't stressful enough, kiss my fat hips

Someone should be able to look however as long as they are healthy

I guess the world just cares about being wealthy

It is very important to promote self-love, self-care and knowledge instead of media outlets, shows, movies using people as items and not as human beings to sell and make money

When you are killing innocent lives with depression, health complications, that's a sin too, honey

A person should have a choice but also be provided with knowledge about the whole truth behind what lies in front of our eyes

Even though those very “perfect” people have had so much done, for example, surgery, and other procedures and there are those watching hating themselves but instead, they should know the real truth and that is not everything you see is the whole truth

I feel bad for the youth

Now I do know that some do need surgical operations for health reasons or for reasons as simple as loving oneself and not being happy with how they look

The thirsty devil's wish, full of regret and mistook

Before promoting false knowledge calling someone hot who has had so much done and not sharing that information or sharing it in a way that if someone wants to be hot they should get all those procedures, now that is very illiterate

Nowadays girls worry about their figurate

Dear society, at least be able to speak the truth and saying it like it is because when you are letting us know how hot someone is, you are forgetting to tell us how much money that cost and the list of everything they got done

We need more love and acceptance that is something to embody

It breaks my heart imagining the faces of the new innocent young generation learning about the social media world, TV shows, and movies believing everything they see and becoming depressed or even not knowing their true worth

Let's live life with mirth

As for me, there are times I am not happy with what I see in the mirror but when I have followed amazing influencers who have spoken the truth has made me see things clearly

We are losing ourselves yearly

Although most of my favourite role models have got surgical procedures done I still see them as role models because they spoke the truth and explained everything

We are slowly turning into infants again staring at anything that will bling

Why does society, social media have to tell me how to live and what I should wear or how much should I eat?

Oh so you think I'm ugly, neat

I know my doctor could tell me what to eat or how much to eat but not society

How about we learn to be more piety

This is where body dysmorphia and anorexia and body issues come into play

We should pray

This is where it could lead to a health concern that could cause death

To the haters, save your last breath

As long as I’m healthy that’s all that should matter

Enough of the chitter-chatter

But somehow social media, TV shows, society has to find a way to tell me how to live

Whether if it’s on TV, social media, or in real life there is someone there to make me feel bad in my skin

Nothing is more important than your kin

Being smart is also sexy and hot, looks are not everything

You could show people how you could be astonishing

Follow your dreams by all means

I want you to know you are worth more than you will ever know

Stop taking footsteps of what you think you should follow

and you can set an example for spreading awareness

This world is already lacking fairness

If one needs surgical procedures due to their own choice and other health issues it is important to share knowledge

Be aware of the false blockage

Not to promote false information that could peer pressure youngsters to do something that they do not even want to do

Before judging anyone who has had anything done, we need to be careful not to point any fingers because remember if you point one finger at someone the rest are pointing back at who?


That’s why I say knowledge is everything because there is more than what meets the eye

You will not gain anything by a lie

I hope the world will become a better place

And respects what everyone decides to do to their face

As long as what they do is safe

Better to be alive than unsafe

As long as health comes into play because too much surgical procedure could cause health concerns and could lead to death, for example, Sahar Tabar, the girl who wanted to look like Angelina Jolie, let us not make mistakes like that

Screw this cold society

That gives you nothing but anxiety

Unrealistic beauty standards are misleading and you can't choose the type of visuals you will be receiving

Let us not forget that the key to peace prevails in the world where truth should not be hidden

If society continues to set the bar so high, honesty should not be forbidden

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