
Today, I want to love everything

(F, Galaz, 2024)

No words I could muster today could express the gratitude of being here, right now, in this place and at this hour, surrounded by so many people that I don’t know, yet I know I love.

Today I know I love everything; I love the oxygen that travels from the pores of my nose to my lungs, the gentle breeze that brushes against my face, the shy sunlight peeking through my room’s curtains in the morning, and the laughter of those I love on a hot summer afternoon. The autumn leaves that always punctually remind me of the meaning of life and its facets.

Today I must love it all, in whatever form it presents itself.

Right now, I am certain that my love is so vast, that I have no time left to hold grudges against life.

Other works by Los versos que te dejé en la Luna...
