

He liked my face but I liked his heart,
thats how the story starts,
Day by day, I wished he’d like my heart
but day by day, he forgot I owned one.
How can I possible live knowing I won’t ever be what you need?
Fascinated by his lips, creating non-realistic stories and promising moons and stars.
He said he could eventually love me, but his own oceans teared us apart.
The art of dishonesty that I’ll never comprehend,
always followed by sorrows and pain; and the way he smiled and stared.
At night I lose my mind asking myself which part was a lie,
or If I was the lie itself.
I’m not mad, my heart never turns into stone,
It’s still here, waiting for your storms and your clouds,
willing to take the bitterness and the darkness,
just for you to make it feel again,
to make it remember you once craved me as much as I crave you,
but for some unknown mysterious and possibly cruel reason, turned your back wearing a smile, and pleasantly watched me fade away.

Tú, 2016.

Otras obras de Marijose Marcos...
