
Heart Ache

A heart is embedded in the centre of your being
Granting you the gift of love
Breathing life into your body
How ironic then that love
Can also spear your heart
Twisting the blade so deep
That once joyous and giving
Turns into an iced heart
Cynical, suspicious, never trusting
How ironic then that the love you once gave
To the scum who destroyed it
Turned into dread and misbelief
To the honest and deserving
For the heart is only made to love once
It cannot endure battle after battle
Wound after wound
Scar after scar
Once beating, vibrant, living
The breath was taken out of it
With betrayal and disappointment
So that when the right man comes along
Your soul mate
There is no heart left
A lifeless, unfeeling thing
Just a muscle
A biological organ meant for one thing
Nothing more
Why then does this happen?
They say that you never know true love until you have been burned
But what if you have been burned to the point of incineration
Why didn’t my soul mate come sooner?
How can he be my soul mate when he is too late?
There is no love left for men in my heart anymore
That valve is closed now
I’ve sewn it shut myself
Never again will I feel the ripping torment of despair
The disappointment
The bleeding
All’s fair in love and war they say
I say that love is war
No one ever recovers from it
Aching memories etched into the mind and soul
Never forgetting the pain
Stitching that part of yourself up


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