

Since you’ve been gone,
My days are spent screaming from the
Locked cage inside my mind.
My heart is like a puzzle,
Becoming more and more incomplete
As you steal away the pieces.
I tongue the red silk line between
Comatose and panic attack,
Frantically feeling for the sanity switch
In the darkness of my brain.
I’m so manic,
My brain hurts and eyes won’t let
Me join you in the one place I can
Still see you.
The tears are the only thing that
Reminds me that I’m still alive,
Where you’ll never be again.
Everything reminds me of you because
The memories never stop
Playing in my head like some
Fucked up poetic masterpiece.
Nothing seems real anymore.
Food has no satisfying taste and
The pills don’t fix anything.
I am lost and wandering,
My love,
Through the world that we created together.
Grief has signed a lease with my heart,
And I fear it plans to be a long-term resident.
Other works by Marki Swigert...
