
True You

You know that you’re cool and you know that you’re awesome.
But when you meet new people you prefer to play possum.
Pretending to be someone you’re not.
Wearing masks and then changing them.
To fit in because you keep believing them.
Believing they’re true, because it’s cruel to believe that anyone can be true when everyone is pretending to be the you that isn’t you.
So be yourself.
Because you’re weird, and you’re curios to see if you can ever believe that you yourself will be anything more than worthless.
'Cause face it, is it even worth it?
Is it worth being something you’re not?
If you keep believing that your worth is worth not?
Can you honestly tell yourself, look yourself in the eye and tell yourself.
This is the me I want to be, and this is the me I want to see.
This is who I believe. Because now I am free.
And now, I’m no longer you but...


