

Gone but not forgotten….Mary Brandy (Sister, Cousin, Caregiver, Beautiful Spirit)

My earliest memories of you were nurturer, caregiver, and sister
Held my hand, kissed my boo-boo’s, as if you were a healer
We were separated due to unrest and coupe
No matter the distance I never forgot you
Finally reunited and you continued to do
As we grew into adults you never fled
Never knowing where the future led
You had dreams, goals, and aspirations
We spent hours on the phone; discussing patients
Over the years we laughed, cried, and motivated each other
Never judging, always encouraging like a mother
The day came that I wish I could take back
The news, you were sick immune system attack
Our faith was strong and so was your drive
You went for about twenty years trying to thrive
But, when your sole companion was no more
You gave up and closed the door
O, how my heart hurt on that day
I had to make a life altering decision that changed my way
Sometimes I feel selfish, I and wish you were here
But I know how my life has changed you are better off there
Mary, I miss you everyday
You were my cheerleader, my rock, in every way
Now I walk alone through this life
One day we will be together without the strife
Rest my love and know you are never forgotten
Even though your physical is slowly rotting
The Angel that you have become is constantly present
Mary, I will always treasure your Earthly presence…


Tribute to a beautiful spirit who left me too soon

#Death #Mary #Rip

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