
Mensur Mera

Mensur Gjonbalaj is a born and raised New Yorker of Albanian descent. A poet and aspiring novelist, Mensur is currently working on two novel projects and a book poetry that he plans to have published and released by Fall/Winter of 2013.

Mensur Gjonbalaj is a born and raised New Yorker of Albanian descent. A poet and aspiring novelist, Mensur is currently working on two novel projects and a book poetry that he plans to have published and released by Fall/Winter of 2013.

It’s important to know that though the writer’s name is Mensur, he goes by the name Mera as well. Mera is a nickname he’s had since he was a child and has a book of poetry titled Poetics by Mera. Almost all of the poems he posts onto this blog are taken out of his poetry book. The book contains over 500 poems written by Mensur over the last two to three years.

Mensur’s works are quite diverse, though he does like to write frequently about love, romance, and his past relationships. Aside from that he also tries to produce more spiritual and emotionally-driven pieces of writing that tend to have some correlation to his life experiences.

You could check out his poetry blog Poetics by Mera at
