

Im in a dark place, but its getting lighter. Not easily, Not quickly, but somehow its happening. I can’t pick up the pieces but i can let them grow back.
Im in a dark place and its getting lighter. I know what i had but i don’t know what I’ve lost. I know what i want but i don’t know what i need. I know who i am, but i don’t know who i want to be. Its scary not knowing. Like a child locked in a dark closet, I’m scared of the mosters i will have to face.
Im in a dark place but its getting lighter. Waiting for the sun to rise, yet dieting for it to set. Not knowing if happiness exists where in at. The alien feeling of not knowing if your the caterpillar or butterfly.
Im in a dark place but its getting lighter. I don’t want to be something I’m not, but i can’t stand being myself either. The daylight is scary but the Dark is mortifying.
Who is this me and you that you speak of? Are they loved or hated? Mean or nice? cold or warm?
Im in a dark place but its getting lighter. Lighter. To light. To happy. To exposed. To much to lose, shut it down, shut you down. But who is you? and what is it that your so desperately trying to shut down?
Im in a dark place, and i won’t let it get any lighter.


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