
Berkeley Crows

I watched a flock of crows
On a soccer field in the hills of Berkeley
Early in the damp morning.
They crowed and flew, a flying flock,
Flocked into a giant tree
Just over there.
And they held a meeting
Every one of them making an important point
At full volume.
Then they flocked again
Came back to the damp grass. Several hundred crows
Strut, poke, scratch, alert.
Hundreds of crows
In an early Spring morning
Spread out on the bright moist grass.
Later, I told my friends that this was THE Berkeley crow flock.
The same that squawks every morning down the hill
In my neighborhood.
They wake me up just after dawn.
My friends demurred. No proof it’s
The same flock.
Oh, it’s the same flock all right.
It’s the same flock.
It’s my mind after all.
It’s the same flock of crows.
The Berkeley flock of crows.

Actual crows. If you visit Berkeley, CA, you'll see and hear them.

Other works by Mick Renner...
