

I feel this is what life is about. And what we should do; but, hey, that's just my opinion.

We only have it once.
So, shouldn’t we make it precious?
Make each and every moment count?
We don’t have forever.
We only have now.
Each moment is fleeting.
Like a snowflake.
One moment its here; then its gone.
Time passes.
Each second is a grain of sand in our hourglasses of life.
And we don’t realize it till its gone.
Live the best of each and every second.
Don’t focus on what you could’ve done or didn’t do.
Focus on what you can do in the future.
Don’t focus on pain.
Or misery.
Because pain is inevitable.
But misery….
That’s an option.
Focus on the good things.
Look forward into the future.
So, live your life the best way that YOU can.
Don’t focus on what others are doing.
Shit may get crazy sometimes, thats what life is about.
But you just got to say, ‘Damn, what am I doing?’
And remain focused on the positive.
So, when its time to die.
Go to that bright white light.
Be it Heaven or Hell.
Or whatever the Hell you believe.
Just go knowing that you lived a life full of love and happiness.
Its full of crazy fucked up shit.


Sorry about the swearing, just felt it needed to be there.

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