
Who were we fighting?

I was his strength.
As was he mine.
We were always fighting.
But not in the way that you think.
We were fighting for our lives.
Sometimes, I wonder who’s cancer we were even fighting anymore.
Mine or his.
He was what made me hold on.
But now, he’s gone.
What am I to do?
Every beat of my heart of my heart aches now that is broken.
I try to get myself through each day.
But it’s so hard.
Because he’s gone.
I will never get to feel his lips against mine ever again.
Nothing will ever be the same.
I don’t think I will be able to love again.
My heart is broken...
My one true love is gone.

I don't have cancer, wrote this after reading 'Fault in our stars'

Autres oeuvres par M.T Holmes...
