
Nothing Remains

My feet steer right yet my mind flees left.
My eyes shoot side to side as I emerge from my slumber.
My heart beats slowly with each breath stolen.
My insides start to melt with the cocoon I once shared.
My lungs seep the black smog and exhale toward the blue sky.
The seeds of life decays with each smile.
The hands of time spiral on a dotted line.
Enduring the inevitable, the faint light illuminates my remnants till the next sun can rise.
The Web of misplaced words engulfs my existence, letting the water creep eroding the pillar of my soul.
The whickered flame extinguishes the remaining.
My eyes regain focus and feel the air between my lungs, become trapped between the stars that surface behind the moon.
Shifting through the masses, it leaves a trace in each step I take.
Attached to the lingering taboo i douse myself with shrouds.
Withholding my future I await for the fog to clear but nothing remains.


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