
broken beyond repair

Mother of prayers

We were once a clean mirror
But baby look further then the image
Than you’ll know&feel my pain...
We’ve been through this
So many times,2 whole years
And nothing had change
We held onto the past
Hoping that everything would go back to normal
But we just got too comfortable
With each other
And the damage has already been done
I Love You but...
We should go our separate ways
I love you enough to say
That itz best if we jus
Leave everything and go
Don’t get me wrong
Not leave everything behind
Because its too hurtful
To forgive nd too much has happened
Experience won’t let me forget
I guess what am tryna say is
We have outgrown our love
Drifted so far away, but yet in the naked eye
We were polish perfect
“Broken beyond repair”
I was once told....
But becz my patience and kindness
I had faith you could be repaired
But along that process
I ended up hurting myself
That cut in the mirror
Became deeper and deeper
The longer I kept holding on
At the end of this
It shattered and that’s the reflection
Of how we came about to be
“Broken beyond repair”


The cry of a broken heart and how she wants to keep the relationship going
But along the way ne has to give in


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