

"Resilient Innocence: A Journey of Hope and Healing"

In shadows cast, a child’s heart mourns,
A world unjust, where innocence is torn.
Through tear-streaked eyes, their pain concealed,
A soul once bright, now scars revealed.
A tender bud, now bruised and broken,
In silence trapped, no words spoken.
Yearning for love, they suffer alone,
Their dreams adrift, like seeds unsown.
But hope’s a beacon, a guiding light,
In strangers’ arms, they find respite.
With tender care and hearts to mend,
Their shattered spirits start to ascend.
Let us unite to break this chain,
To heal the wounds, erase the stain.
In love and kindness, we must believe,
For every child deserves reprieve.
For in the embrace of compassion’s art,
They’ll find their worth, a brand-new start.
Together, we’ll shine, their future bright,
In a world where love conquers the night.

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