
That Feeling

To; My Bestfriend.

That feeling. You know? That feeling that you’ve been hurt. By someone you never thought ever could.
That feeling, when someone you loved, slowly detached themselves away from you.
That feeling when they find someone better, and you’ve lost all hope that they’d ever come back.
That feeling of faking smiles, faking laughs, faking like old times, because you’re too scared to tell someone.
That feeling when you wish it was all just a bad dream.
That feeling when you wish someone would just wake you up.
That feeling when you know there’s nothing you can do about it.
That feeling when you just want everything back to the way it was, you and them.
That feeling when you’re reminded that they’ve moved on with out you all the time.
That feeling when you wished and tried to fight for them, but it’s like an uphill fight.
That feeling when you wish you could just fade away because with out them you feel worthless.
That feeling when they no longer care about anything you do or say.
That feeling when you absolutely know they’re never coming back.
That feeling when you know there’s nothing you can do anymore.
That feeling when you thought you knew someone.
That feeling when you need them, but they don’t need you anymore.
That feeling when you loose your bestfriend.


I wish they weren't such worlds away.

#Heartache #Heartbreak #LostBestfriendBestfriend #My
