


Depression isn’t about what you have. It isn’t about the quality of your life. You can have nice things, and still want to tear your skin open with a knife.

You may think someone has a great life. And there is no need to be depressed. But let’s be honest, you don’t really know. Maybe they just don’t let the worst parts of their life show.

It’s not for attention, you can’t fake the pain depression makes you feel inside. Depression is a roller coaster. And the victims are all along for the ride.

You think that if someone has nice things, they can’t be sad. That isn’t too clever.  Saying someone can’t be sad because someone else might have it worse is like saying someone can’t be happy because someone else might have it better.

You don’t know what’s its like to hate every inch of yourself. To cry yourself to sleep because you feel like everyone hates you. Even though, you know no one can hate yourself more than you do.

You don’t know what it’s like having to pretend you’re okay. It requires major effort to just get through the day.

You don’t know what it’s like. To wake up in the middle of the night. With thoughts of a razor kissing your skin. Then getting up the next morning; having to pretend you’re alright.

You honestly think depression is made up? None of its real? You honestly think people would make nothing, into such a big deal?

You tell people to kill themselves. And you don’t even think twice about it. But what if they did? What if they did kill themselves because they thought no one cared about them one bit.

It would all be on you. But I guess it doesn’t really matter to you in the end. Because after all, isn’t depression just pretend?

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