
Choking Pressure

Can’t hold the pieces together much longer, My temporary stitches are snapping
I can feel my protective insides cracking, My throat is clogged to the brim
Hidden away my pain with white lies, I dodged all that try to peer inside because of the fear
I’ve taken on to much for to long, Finally breaking from the over pressure placed upon me
I’m not strong like I pretend to be, Was beaten mentally into my head
Push through the pain till breaking points, Even if it kills you but you better press on
Can’t be what everyone wants me to be, Done lost who I truly was
Mind is foggy trying to remember, I don’t know anymore
I’m tired of choking on my sadness, But everyone keeps pushing it further down my throat
Wanting to cry and plead, Lash out and maybe even bleed to get some relief
I can only temporarily pretend, My emotional bandages only last for so long till they rot off
Being crushed by everything around, Why won’t anyone ever try to save me for once

Simply my expression on my emotions.

Other works by Moonlit Chimera...
