

to all the people who struggle to find their place in this twisted world.

its a never ending rollercoaster,
an endless path.
we try to stay on it,
despite all the wrath.
it takes you by the hand,
and leads the way.
you try to fight back,
try to get away.
its like a stalking shadow,
never leaves your side.
theres nothing you can do,
except give up your pride.
there should be no control,
on what you can achieve.
look into your soul,
and try to believe.
you have grass under your feet,
wind in your hair.
you were put here for a reason,
but this isnt fair.
it has expectations,
rules to follow.
you can’t be yourself,
it makes you feel hollow.
in the end,
we are who we are.
you can try to mend,
but you won’t get far.
there are no diamonds,
only stone.
create your own story,
dont be a clone.


this poem expresses how society wants everyone to be perfect when in actuality there is no sustainable perfect.

#Guidance #HopeLife #Serious

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