
The inevitable

Nations are uniting after the Victory of Donald j. Trump once again as President. In 3 more terms all the money borrowed will set up his successor, and it will be free to spend. With all the border crossings is America ready to suppor 333 million new immigrants by 2048.

I’m gonna start over with some new friends
We are united with Judah, Asher and, Benjamin
Are you Sad the victory is near
Judah vomits at the mouth at Asher
Benjamin rolls in his grave at Dan
And she’s with them just ask Joseph
Only 1 tribe will survive before WW3
commences and we enter the 22th Century
Only a 1/3 of all the religions will burn
Beware if you pass her
The Evil always betrays the perfect
Look at Reuben with Judah
Time to promote Buddha, Khrysna, and Mohammed
Let’s start this
The children of the sun come and done

If you want foot notes contact me for Details.

#News #pathetic Alert

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