
Natasha Mauer

Writing has always been a form of release for me for strong emotions, primarily depression. With that being said though, I've transitioned throughout my life to be able to write not just when I'm sad but to when I'm inspired period. I'm glad I'm able to share my from the past, for they have made me a stronger person. I'm also glad to be able to share future works from the inspirations that I know will come to me. <3

Writing has always been a form of release for me for strong emotions, primarily depression. With that being said though, I've transitioned throughout my life to be able to write not just when I'm sad but to when I'm inspired period. I'm glad I'm able to share my from the past, for they have made me a stronger person. I'm also glad to be able to share future works from the inspirations that I know will come to me. <3
