
Plan B

That’s what a kid needs.
But if you tear him down,
Its a disease that feeds,
On his very soul.
The smile on his face.
And where you give to him,
The depression takes its place.
Be what you want!
Shoot for the stars!
But when you find your dream,
Prepare to change the bars.
I want to be a writer!
I want to change the world!
Thats how I sounded.
Now I lay and curled.
“Have a Plan B.”
Thats all they have said.
Well than if this is Plan A,
Plan B, I wind up dead.
“Put him on meds!”
“Thats a horrible thing to say!”
Well if this is wrong,
Than lets go back to A.
Tell me I can do it!
Tell me I’ll do fine!
Don’t tell me I can’t,
And complain when I whine!
I want parents who love me,
Not put me in my grave.
Because if its for my happiness,
This one, LAST dream.
You better help save...

Autres oeuvres par Nf...
