
Why is the river made the way it is?

As below the blue sky,
lies a forest,
in complete harmony.
One, one element,
is required for it to remain as one,
forever pressing against its boundaries.
Complete unrest could cover the forest,
only one, has hunger for more,
only one, as special,
only the river,
creates life among stillness,
forever changing and shifting.
Still, serving its purpose,
by giving life to those around,
the river is never at rest.
Because when dirt no longer stands strong,
the river tears it apart,
consuming all possibilities for expansion,
though harmony would be broken.
The river as a part of nature,
hesitates not,
to destroy it.
But breaking beauty because it can,
battles against its surroundings pointlessly.
Why such discord harmony,
was caused by greed?
Space is what the river seeks
when breaking out,
the lust for space does not end.

My very first poem, and publication. Please feel free to give advise, comments, and thoughts

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