
A letter never wrote

Dear dearest trigger of my love... once at glance my adrenaline rush, a dream never seen, my lips from a distance can taste your love through the senses of your scent..

How I lone to touch your velvet skin and rest in the harmonic sounds of your voice as they pass like smooth guitar melodies.

I can hear whispers of your love from far..I feel it through the soft breeze of air, as I walk pass the swinging trees in tango motion..As the birds sing to embrace the swift of your love within the air...

I can already feel the comfort of being wrapped in your arms and the joyful indulgence of pomegranate kisses we would share, so sweet, calm, certain and true to the universe.

I scream in silence to the universe as I write this letter, hoping it will hail on my cry to love and surrender all peace to my heart, as it brings you closer to my direction... A letter to mother nature, A letter to  love so foreign in my world.

Rib of my Rib’Adam’,Death of my death’ Romeo’.........I write this letter to you so that it can bring you closer to our Titanic love boat, where u can sink with me drown with me, and hold me in your hands till death do us apart....

My dearest trigger of love... I write to you, A letter I never wrote.

By:Capricious Blackdove

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