
Come Back Home

I got through the days easy
The nights .. Not so much
When you relax
And sprawl out.
And finally find peace
It becomes not
So peaceful anymore.
Your thoughts crowd
In ever crevice of your
And soon it feels as if your
Will explode.
It’s knocking so hard
And fast, your mind
Is a never ending
Ticking bomb.
12:04 A.M.
Wide awake.
Desperately trying to focus
On your blank ceiling,
The sounds your fan makes,
The smell of his shirt.
The texture of his favorite
You try to picture his face
Anything about him that
You can.
Just to sleep.
Your shaking
And praying to God
Maybe for a sweet
Nights rest.
And be well rested
When the sun comes up.
False hope.
But hope.
You cannot remember
When he gets back.
But it doesn’t matter
It’s already been forever
Since he left.
Counting the days.
Till you see his sweet smile.
You’ll run to
Like its been years. . .
And soon your mind
Begins to quite down.
You imagine how fast
Your heart will beat
In the moments just before
You see him.
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