#Americans #Blacks
BEYOND the years the answer lie… Beyond where brood the grieving sk… And Night drops tears. Where Faith rod—chastened smiles… And doff its fears,
How’s a man to write a sonnet, can… How’s he going to weave the dim, p… When a—toddling on the floor Is the muse he must adore, And this muse he loves, not wisely…
If thro’ the sea of night which here summons me, I could swim out beyond the farthest star, Break every barrier of circumstanc…
Come on walkin’ wid me, Lucy; 't… Wen de sunshine 's shoutin’ glory… An’ de little Johnny—Jump—Ups 's… Den a—lookin’ roun’ to ax each oth… Don’ you hyeah dem cows a—mooin’?…
Wen I git up in de mo’nin’ an’ de… Dey’s a kin’ o’ wa’nin’ shivah goe… Den I says to my ol’ ooman ez I w… 'Don’t you so’t o’ reckon, Lizy,… ‘Go on, man,’ my Lizy answah, 'yo…
The gray of the sea, and the gray… A glimpse of the moon like a half—… The gleam on the waves and the lig… A thrill in my heart,—and—my sweet… She turned from the sea with a wom…
THOU art the soul of a summer’s… Thou art the breath of the rose. But the summer is fled And the rose is dead Where are they gone, who knows, wh…
GOODNIGHT, my love, for I hav… In walking dreams, until my soul i… Is lost in passion’s wide and shor… Where, like a ship unruddered, it… Hither and thither at the wild wav…
See dis pictyah in my han’? Dat’s my gal; Ain’t she purty? goodness lan’! Huh name Sal. Dat’s de very way she be—
I been t’inkin’ ‘bout de preachah;… ’Bout hit bein’ people’s dooty, fu… How one ought to live so pleasant… Meetin’ evahbody roun’ us wid ouah… Dat 's all right, I ain’t a—sputi…
THE lark is silent in his nest, The breeze is sighing in its fligh… Sleep, Love, and peaceful be thy… Good—night, my love, good—night, g… Sweet dreams’ attend thee in thy s…
Across the hills and down the narr… And up the valley where the free w… The earth is folded in an ermined… That mocks the melting mirth of my… Departed her disheartening duns an…
W’EN us fellers stomp around, mak… Gramma says, 'There’s certain tim… W’en they need a shingle or the so… She says 'we’re a—itchin’ for a ri… An’ she says, 'Now thes you wait,
This is the debt I pay Just for one riotous day, Years of regret and grief, Sorrow without relief. Pay it I will to the end —
MY heart to thy heart, My hand to thine; My lips to thy lips, Kisses are wine Brewed for the lover in sunshine a…