#AmericanWriters #BlackWriters
I’ve been list’nin’ to them lawyer… In the court house up the street, An’ I’ve come to the conclusion That I’m most completely beat. Fust one feller riz to argy,
Love hath the wings of the butterf… Oh, clasp him but gently, Pausing and dipping and fluttering… Inconsequently. Stir not his poise with the breath…
G’way an’ quit dat noise, Miss Lu… Put dat music book away; What’s de use to keep on tryin’? Ef you practise twell you’re gray, You cain’t sta’t no notes a—flyin’
Jes’ lak toddy wahms you thoo’ Sets yo’ haid a reelin’, Meks you ovah good and new, Dat ‘s de way I ’s feelin’. Seems to me hit ‘s summah time,
I’VE always been a faithful man An’ tried to live for duty, But the stringent mode of life Has somewhat lost its beauty. The story of the generous bread
OUTSIDE the rain upon the stree… The sky all grim of hue, Inside, the music—painful sweet, And yet I heard but you As is a thrilling violin,
Kiss me, Miami, thou most constan… I love thee more for that thou cha… When Winter comes with frigid bla… Or when the blithesome Spring is… And Summer’s here with sunshine h…
W’EN us fellers stomp around, mak… Gramma says, 'There’s certain tim… W’en they need a shingle or the so… She says 'we’re a—itchin’ for a ri… An’ she says, 'Now thes you wait,
Pray, what can dreams avail To make love or to mar? The child within the cradle rail Lies dreaming of the star. But is the star by this beguiled
How sweet the music sounded That summer long ago, When you were by my side, love, To list its gentle flow. I saw your eyes a—shining,
Night is for sorrow and dawn is fo… Chasing the troubles that fret and… Darkness for sighing and daylight… Cheery and chaste the strain, hear… All the night through, though I m…
If Death should claim me for her… And softly I should falter from y… Oh, tell me, loved one, would my m… And would my image in your heart a… Or should I be as some forgotten…
Love me. I care not what the circ… To me may do. If, but in spite of time and tears… You prove but true. Love me—albeit grief shall dim min…
The gray of the sea, and the gray… A glimpse of the moon like a half—… The gleam on the waves and the lig… A thrill in my heart,—and—my sweet… She turned from the sea with a wom…
A KNOCK is at her door, but she… Strange dews have washed the paint… She does not rise, but, ah, this f… And knows that he will find her al… So opens he the door, and with sof…