#Americans #Blacks
With what thou gavest me, O Maste… I have wrought. Such chances, such abilities, To see the end was not for my poor… Thine was the impulse, thine the f…
Tek a cool night, good an’ cleah, Skiff o’ snow upon de groun’; Jes’ 'bout fall—time o’ de yeah W’en de leaves is dry an brown; Tek a dog an’ tek a axe,
Thou arrant robber, Death! Couldst thou not find Some lesser one than he To rob of breath,— Some poorer mind
Dream days of fond delight and hou… As rosy—hued as dawn, are mine. Love’s drowsy wine, Brewed from the heart of Passion… Flows softly o’er my lips
Pray, what can dreams avail To make love or to mar? The child within the cradle rail Lies dreaming of the star. But is the star by this beguiled
The sun has slipped his tether And galloped down the west. (Oh, it’s weary, weary waiting, lo… The little bird is sleeping In the softness of its nest.
As lone I sat one summer’s day, With mien dejected, Love came by; His face distraught, his locks ast… So slow his gait, so sad his eye, I hailed him with a pitying cry:
I stand above the city’s rush and… And gaze far down with calm and un… To where the misty smoke wreath gr… Above the myriad roofs and spires… Still is my heart and vacant is my…
In this old garden, fair, I walk… Heart—charmed with all the beauty… The rich, luxuriant grasses’ cooli… The wall’s environ, ivy—decked and… The waving branches with the wind…
THE young queen Nature, ever swe… Once on a time fell upon evil days… From hearing oft herself discussed… There grew within her heart the lo… To see herself; and every passing…
When I was young I longed for Lo… And held his glory far above All other earthly things. I cried… ‘Come, Love, dear Love, with me a… And with my subtlest art I wooed,
Ain’t nobody nevah tol’ you not a… 'Bout de time dat all de critters… Some folks tell it in a sto’y, som… ‘Peahs to me you ought to hyeahed… Well, de critters all was p’osp’ou…
LET me close the eyes of my soul That I may not see What stands between thee and me. Let me shut the ears of my heart That I may not hear
Dey was talkin’ in de cabin, dey w… But I listened kin’ o’ keerless,… An’ on Sunday, too, I noticed, de… Stan’in’ all erroun’ de roadside w… But I did n’t t’ink erbout it 'tw…
You ask why I am sad to—day, I have no cares, no griefs, you sa… Ah, yes, 't is true, I have no gr… But—is there not the falling leaf? The bare tree there is mourning le…