#Americans #Blacks
STEP wid de banjo an’ glide wid… Dis ain’ no time fu’ to pottah an’… Fu’ Christmas is comin’, it’s rig… An’ dey’s houahs to dance 'fo’ de… What if de win’ is taihin’ an’ whi…
DE win’ is blowin’ wahmah, An hit’s blowin’ f’om de bay; Dey’s a so’t o’ mist a—risin’ All erlong de meddah way; Dey ain’t a hint o’ frostin’
AS a quiet little seedling Lay within its darksome bed, To itself it fell a—talking, And this is what it said: 'I am not so very robust,
He sang of life, serenely sweet, With, now and then, a deeper note. From some high peak, nigh yet remo… He voiced the world’s absorbing be… He sang of love when earth was you…
The gray of the sea, and the gray… A glimpse of the moon like a half—… The gleam on the waves and the lig… A thrill in my heart,—and—my sweet… She turned from the sea with a wom…
BEYOND the years the answer lie… Beyond where brood the grieving sk… And Night drops tears. Where Faith rod—chastened smiles… And doff its fears,
Oh, de weathah it is balmy an’ de… Li’l’ gal, An’ de mockin’ bird is singin’ in… Li’l’ gal; Dere 's a hummin’ an’ a bummin’ in…
Woman’s sho’ a cur’ous critter, an… She’s a mess o’ funny capahs f’om… Ef you tries to un’erstan’ huh, an… 'D’ ain’t a bit o’ use to try to u… I don’ mean to be complainin’, but…
Ring out, ye bells! All Nature swells With gladness at the wondrous stor… The world was at lorn, But Christ is born
G’way an’ quit dat noise, Miss Lu… Put dat music book away; What’s de use to keep on tryin’? Ef you practise twell you’re gray, You cain’t sta’t no notes a—flyin’
IT’s all a farce, —these tales th… About the breezes sighing, And moans astir o’er field and del… Because the year is dying. Such principles are most absurd, —
De trees is bendin’ in de sto’m, De rain done hid de mountain’s fo’… I ‘s ’lone an’ in distress. But listen, dah 's a voice I hyea… A—sayin’ to me, loud an’ cleah,
Emblem of blasted hope and lost de… No finger ever traced thy yellow p… Save Time’s. Thou hast not wrough… The hearts thou wouldst have stirr… Save sad flames set to light a fun…
When I was young I longed for Lo… And held his glory far above All other earthly things. I cried… ‘Come, Love, dear Love, with me a… And with my subtlest art I wooed,
DEY was oncet a awful quoil 'twix… De pot was des a—bilin’ an’ de ski… Dey slurred each othah’s colah an’… W’ile de coal—oil can des gu—gled,… De pot, hit called de skillet des…