#Americans #Blacks
COVER him over with daisies whit… And eke with the poppies red, Sit with me here by his couch to—n… For the First—Born, Love, is dea… Poor little fellow, he seemed so f…
'Tis an old deserted homestead On the outskirts of the town, Where the roof is all moss—covered… And the walls are tumbling down; But around that little cottage
Dear critic, who my lightness so d… Would I might study to be prince… Right wisely would I rule that du… But, sir, I may not, till you abd…
FOLKS ain’t got no right to cens… Him dat giv’ de squir’ls de bushta… Him dat built de gread big mountai… Him dat made de streets an’ drivew… We is all constructed diff’ent, d’…
A little dreaming by the way, A little toiling day by day; A little pain, a little strife, A little joy,—and that is life. A little short—lived summer’s morn…
Ashes to ashes, dust unto dust, What of his loving, what of his lu… What of his passion, what of his p… What of his poverty, what of his p… Earth, the great mother, has calle…
AIN’T it nice to have a mammy W’en you kin’ o’ tiahed out Wid a—playin’ in de meddah, An’ a—runnin’ roun’ about Till hit’s made you mighty hongry,
I GREW a rose within a garden fa… And, tending it with more than lov… I thought how, with the glory of i… I should the darkness of my life i… And, watching, ever smiled to see…
Who say my hea’t ain’t true to you… Dey bettah heish dey mouf. I knows I loves you thoo an’ thoo In watah time er drouf. I wush dese people 'd stop dey tal…
She gave a rose, And I kissed it and pressed it. I love her, she knows, And my action confessed it. She gave me a rose,
When I was young I longed for Lo… And held his glory far above All other earthly things. I cried… ‘Come, Love, dear Love, with me a… And with my subtlest art I wooed,
Ah, Douglass, we have fall’n on e… Such days as thou, not even thou d… When thee, the eyes of that harsh… Saw, salient, at the cross of devi… And all the country heard thee wit…
Our good knight, Ted, girds his b… (And he wields it well, I ween); He 's on his steed, and away has g… To the fight for king and queen. What tho’ no edge the broadsword h…
I WAS not; now I am —a few days… I shall not be; I fain would look… And after, but can neither do; som… Or lack of power says 'no’ to all… I stand upon a wide and sunless pl…
THE air is dark, the sky is gray, The misty shadows come and go, And here within my dusky room Each chair looks ghostly in the gl… Outside the rain falls cold and sl…