
Black tail

Male cat slinks away, into the light drizzle of a December night’s rain.
Only visible as it patters across the street lights.
Slinks away, empty stomach empty heart.

Maybe his friend didn’t want him close anymore, maybe one of those big things that carry the tall creatures hit her..
Sticking close to the wall in the shadows he lingers but carries on.
Looking ahead but alert, those big things hurts his eyes with their strong sunbeams.

Feeling the damp on his coat he will take shelter, far away from the tall creatures he settles down near McKennedy’s barn.
Scurrying past, one, two mice right within striking distance, but he is not interested..

Raising his head into the moonlight he thinks once again of his mate..what could of happened?. Wearily he exhales and settles. Wrapping his tail around him, for this night he will not have the binding heat of his friend..

It grows cold, his nose under paw can feel the winters bite..
Weak sunlight breaks, bird song, voices, of the tall creatures,
fall silently on his ears.
The mice come closer this time, close enough to sniff his cold fur.. as a threat no more they carry on. His once proud body, with glossy sheen an defined muscles, sinks hour by hour into itself..Leaving his last impression, in the stiff glistening grass.

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