
First smile

To cassidy

Their lips touch
She smells the liquor on his breath
Her lip quivers
Stomach turns
She knows not to pull away
But every time She can’t help it
He grips her neck harder
Pulls her closer
Tears begin to run down her face
There quickly wiped away
He pushes her to her back
She looks out the window above her at the moon
Try’s to remember the last time she saw the sun
How it felt
How it looked
How it taste
She’s quickly yanked back by the sound of his zipper
She turns so the tears  rolling down won’t be seen
Her chest becomes heavy
Stomach quizzy and nauseous
Legs and arms heavy and limp
She pears into the darkness
Trying to escape into her thoughts
She’s remembering he family
How her parents looked
There warm embrace
Her brothers smile
She try’s but knows that with each passing night
Thier faces become more and more blured hazy
And Thier voices drift
He’s done
She grabbed and pulled by her arm to her feet
He holds onto her arm with great force
Pressing down on the other bruises
She doesn’t notice anymore
She drags her feet as the walk
He stops to open the van door
Let’s her go for a split second
Adrenaline surges threw he vains
All the strength she could mustar fills her legs
She runs
She can hear him screaming running
He stops
She hears him putting each bullet in the gun
She stops exhausted
Turns toward him
He looks up at her with the gun in hand
She slowly moves closer to the curb
She sees a car
Her salvation
A god send
She waits till it’s closer
Then, steps off the curb
Into the street
Her body flys into the air
The car screeches to a stop as her body hits the pavement
Befor her last breath her eyes shift to see the car
She thanks him
He lets the silence be his reply
She smiles
And a tear creeps down her cheek
Her last tear
But her first smile

