
The Vision

Whoever is trying to bring you down is below you
the are just looking for company
someone they can be fake with
and never relate with
Someone who has no self-steem
only to let the importance things swing over
their head as if it is a dream.
I can say that use to be me
but now I have goals that i can see clearly
no need for lens, that the doctor didnt prescribe
just got rid of all the fake friends and their lies
I found people who cherish me
and i know in my heart i cherish them.
When you think about your friends does it make you happy
or does it remind you of the depression
they give as it spreads in disease
Try to find those that are optimistic
because you dont want to wound up with someone who is pessimistic.
Wake up and smell the coffee
nstead of waking up to your bad morning breath
because all that will be left
is watery eyes, and a heart broken at best
Whats the point of living a life of no boundaries
your body is your house, so learn how to use a lock and key.
Then your vision will be clear,
and you will meet other beyond compare.
                                           By:Gineka M. Ferguson


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