a b c d e f g h l m n o p r s t v Toutes
Sergio Marentes

Nace un día incierto de 1983 cerca a Bogotá por un extraño capricho de la amistad. Crece en la capital colombiana para, luego de descubrirlo, disfrutar de la niebla, la lluvia y la sombra de las nubes grises mientras camina. Desde niño lee con curiosidad, sin ningún tipo de lineamiento, los libros que encuentra a su paso y de ahí nace su gusto inconsciente por los diferentes estilos y la fijación por representarlo en cada uno de sus libros. A partir de la muerte de su padre, cuando tenía doce años, se enfrenta a la lucha de identidad hasta que decide empezar a escribir aforismos, sin saberlo, en papeles sueltos que, hasta hoy, permanecen ocultos, e ir conociendo punto tras punto a quién lleva adentro. A través de las frases cortas y pequeñas moralejas, tiempo con los viejos campesinos del pueblo de sus abuelos y un periodo de trabajo en la construcción de edificios, en donde compartió también con campesinos y viejos sabios que le trasmitieron sus tradiciones orales, llega a escribir versos para jamás salir de ellos. Intenta estudiar literatura después de un exilio voluntario en la selva del Amazonas pero pronto se aleja de la academia para leer nada más que por gusto. Luego pasa una temporada, también fructífera para la poesía, conduciendo un taxi en las noches. Luego se convierte en un oficinista que usa su tiempo alternativamente para trabajar con ingenieros y escribir. La mayoría de su obra es escrita en esta época. Desde su adolescencia escribe narrativa que todavía no publica en papel pero se puede encontrar en los sitios, medios literarios de Hispanoamérica, en los que publica en Internet. En la revista Literariedad, de Colombia, ha sido definido así: «Le gusta explotar todas las posibilidades que da la literatura y la heteronimia, al punto de no haber encontrado descanso al escribir como si quisiera encerrar en la palabra todas sus preocupaciones estéticas, y la de su memoria de espejos». Lleva una bitácora diaria en su blog, se burla del mundo y sus inventos en y desinforma sobre las noticias en Lleva los cuadernos «Retratos» (, y «Palabras para salvar de la quietud»( en donde «Dibuja con palabras» y «Lleva notas al margen que lo salvan de la quietud» respectivamente. En sus palabras es un «Poeta de un poema escrito por alguien que no era poeta»; y «No se dedica sólo a la literatura para poder ser totalmente independiente»; y es un «Animal que lee lo que escribe». Ha sido incluido en diferentes antologías de poesía y micronarrativa de diferentes comunidades de Hispanoamérica. Publicaciones: Libros: (poesía) Un bicho cayendo con épica agonía. De un marzo los días todos. Leyes mudas de la mano alzada. Error binario del huevo de oro. Nuevos Cantos mañaneros, desafinados y mudos. Disentir de las paredes en blanco. (relatos) Los espejos están adentro. (Blogs) Un (casi) poema (malo) al día (desde 2014 - ...) Poéticas poco cínicas y muy insuficientes (desde 2015 - ...) Poelítica pública poco después de madurar (desde 2016 - …) Es director (D.T.) de la Revista Rostros Latinoamérica.

Juan Antonio Alix

Juan Antonio Alix. Desapercibido pasó el 180 aniversario del natalicio de Juan Antonio Alix (Moca, 6 septiembre 1833 – Santiago, 15 febrero 1918), recordado por sus décimas Eso e paja pa’ la gaiza, El follón de Yamasá, El negro tras de la oreja, Entre Lucas y Juan Mejía, Cánticos (mejor conocida como A las arandelas) y Los mangos bajitos. Sabemos que tenía una hermana, Carmen Alix Rodríguez, y que sus padres, Juan Mateo Alix, natural de Cabo Haitiano, y María Magdalena Rodríguez, casaron en Moca en 1829. Su madre, hija de Domingo Antonio Rodríguez y Juana de Rojas Valerio, había casado por primera vez con Juan José Espaillat Velilla, con quien había procreado a Juan Francisco, José María y Eloísa Espaillat Rodríguez, esta última esposa de su primo hermano paterno Ulises Francisco Espaillat Quiñones, presidente de la República en 1876. En su entorno familiar materno se descubren interesantes entronques. Una de sus tías fue Tomasina Rodríguez Rojas de Julia, ascendiente de los eminentes médicos Alejandro Llenas Julia y Arturo Grullón Julia, el gestor cultural Rafael Díaz Niese, el historiador mocano Julio Jaime Julia Guzmán, el historiador y político Juan Isidro Jimenes Grullón, el escritor Virgilio Díaz Grullón, el munícipe santiaguero Tomás (Jimmy) Pastoriza Espaillat y el banquero Alejandro Grullón Espaillat. Su tía abuela María Dolores Rojas Valerio de Solano fue madre, entre otros, de Domingo Antonio Solano Rojas, el famoso padre Solano, quien fuera padre, entre otros hijos, de Santiago Petitón y José Antonio Olavarrieta, troncos de las familias Petitón y Olavarrieta, y ascendiente del presidente Rafael Estrella Ureña, el Dr. José Jesús Jiménez Olavarrieta, Maestro de la Medicina Dominicana; el munícipe santiaguero Víctor Espaillat Mera y la ex primera dama Asela Mera de Jorge. De su lado, su tío abuelo Carlos de Rojas Valerio fue padre, entre otros, de Benigno Filomeno de Rojas Ramos, presidente del Congreso Constituyente que adoptó en Moca la Constitución de 1857 y prócer civil de la Guerra de la Restauración, y de Carlos de Rojas Ramos, tronco de la familia Rojas de Moca. Alix casó con Petronila Francisca Liriano Bidó y procreó a Petronila Hortensia (n.1868); Tomasina (f. 19 de marzo de 1940), esposa desde 1892 de José María Benedicto Luisón (papá Cheché), munícipe y presidente del Ayuntamiento de Santiago en varias ocasiones; Olivia Juana Antonia, quien casó con Agustín Bonilla Tavares en 1897; Rosalina (Rocha), quien casó en 1898 con Manuel Malagón Espaillat y fallecida en 1900 a la edad de 23 años; Carmen, fallecida soltera y sin descendencia, y Agripina (Pinona) Alix Liriano, esposa del puertorriqueño Ramón Goico. El matrimonio Benedicto Alix procreó a Graciela, esposa de Narciso Román; Mario, Mercedes, Migdalia, Rafael, Rosa Celia, cónyuge de Eladio Antonio Victoria Morales, y José Tomás Benedicto Alix, esposo de Delia Guzmán. Los hijos de Olivia Juana Antonia Alix de Bonilla, fueron Agustín, Betina, Carlos, Dorila, Emma, casada con Rafael Díaz Espinal; María, cónyuge de Manuel Furcy Bonnelly Fondeur; Nidia Antonia, cónyuge de José Manuel Nicolás Rodríguez, y Zaida Bonilla Alix. De su lado, los hijos de Agripina Alix Liriano fueron Mercedes, Miguel Ángel, Octavio y Juan Goico Alix, este último poeta como su abuelo. La descendencia de Alix alcanza ya la sexta generación, compuesta por niños y jóvenes nacidos a fines del siglo XX y principios del XXI, quienes de seguro desconocen que tienen “detrás de la oreja” a nuestro máximo poeta popular. Instituto Dominicano de Genealogía Referencias Hoy—

George MacDonald

George MacDonald (10 December 1824– 18 September 1905) was a Scottish author, poet, and Christian minister. He was a pioneering figure in the field of fantasy literature and the mentor of fellow writer Lewis Carroll. His writings have been cited as a major literary influence by many notable authors including W. H. Auden, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Walter de la Mare, E. Nesbit and Madeleine L’Engle. C. S. Lewis wrote that he regarded MacDonald as his “master”: “Picking up a copy of Phantastes one day at a train-station bookstall, I began to read. A few hours later,” said Lewis, “I knew that I had crossed a great frontier.” G. K. Chesterton cited The Princess and the Goblin as a book that had “made a difference to my whole existence”. Elizabeth Yates wrote of Sir Gibbie, “It moved me the way books did when, as a child, the great gates of literature began to open and first encounters with noble thoughts and utterances were unspeakably thrilling.” Even Mark Twain, who initially disliked MacDonald, became friends with him, and there is some evidence that Twain was influenced by MacDonald. Christian author Oswald Chambers (1874–1917) wrote in Christian Disciplines, vol. 1, (pub. 1934) that “it is a striking indication of the trend and shallowness of the modern reading public that George MacDonald’s books have been so neglected”. In addition to his fairy tales, MacDonald wrote several works on Christian apologetics including several that defended his view of Christian Universalism. Early life George MacDonald was born on 10 December 1824 at Huntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland. His father, a farmer, was one of the MacDonalds of Glen Coe, and a direct descendant of one of the families that suffered in the massacre of 1692. The Doric dialect of the Aberdeenshire area appears in the dialogue of some of his non-fantasy novels. MacDonald grew up in the Congregational Church, with an atmosphere of Calvinism. But MacDonald never felt comfortable with some aspects of Calvinist doctrine; indeed, legend has itt that when the doctrine of predestination was first explained to him, he burst into tears (although assured that he was one of the elect). Later novels, such as Robert Falconer and Lilith, show a distaste for the idea that God’s electing love is limited to some and denied to others. MacDonald graduated from the University of Aberdeen, and then went to London, studying at Highbury College for the Congregational ministry. In 1850 he was appointed pastor of Trinity Congregational Church, Arundel, but his sermons (preaching God’s universal love and the possibility that none would, ultimately, fail to unite with God) met with little favour and his salary was cut in half. Later he was engaged in ministerial work in Manchester. He left that because of poor health, and after a short sojourn in Algiers he settled in London and taught for some time at the University of London. MacDonald was also for a time editor of Good Words for the Young, and lectured successfully in the United States during 1872–1873. Work George MacDonald’s best-known works are Phantastes, The Princess and the Goblin, At the Back of the North Wind, and Lilith, all fantasy novels, and fairy tales such as “The Light Princess”, “The Golden Key”, and “The Wise Woman”. “I write, not for children,” he wrote, “but for the child-like, whether they be of five, or fifty, or seventy-five.” MacDonald also published some volumes of sermons, the pulpit not having proved an unreservedly successful venue. MacDonald also served as a mentor to Lewis Carroll (the pen-name of Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson); it was MacDonald’s advice, and the enthusiastic reception of Alice by MacDonald’s many sons and daughters, that convinced Carroll to submit Alice for publication. Carroll, one of the finest Victorian photographers, also created photographic portraits of several of the MacDonald children. MacDonald was also friends with John Ruskin and served as a go-between in Ruskin’s long courtship with Rose La Touche. MacDonald was acquainted with most of the literary luminaries of the day; a surviving group photograph shows him with Tennyson, Dickens, Wilkie Collins, Trollope, Ruskin, Lewes, and Thackeray. While in America he was a friend of Longfellow and Walt Whitman. In 1877 he was given a civil list pension. From 1879 he and his family moved to Bordighera in a place much loved by British expatriates, the Riviera dei Fiori in Liguria, Italy, almost on the French border. In that locality there also was an Anglican Church, which he attended. Deeply enamoured of the Riviera, he spent there 20 years, writing almost half of his whole literary production, especially the fantasy work. In that Ligurian town MacDonald founded a literary studio named Casa Coraggio (Bravery House), which soon became one of the most renowned cultural centres of that period, well attended by British and Italian travellers, and by locals. In that house representations were often held of classic plays, and readings were given of Dante and Shakespeare. In 1900 he moved into St George’s Wood, Haslemere, a house designed for him by his son, Robert Falconer MacDonald, and the building overseen by his eldest son, Greville MacDonald. He died on 18 September 1905 in Ashtead, (Surrey). He was cremated and his ashes buried in Bordighera, in the English cemetery, along with his wife Louisa and daughters Lilia and Grace. As hinted above, MacDonald’s use of fantasy as a literary medium for exploring the human condition greatly influenced a generation of such notable authors as C. S. Lewis (who featured him as a character in his The Great Divorce), J. R. R. Tolkien, and Madeleine L’Engle. MacDonald’s non-fantasy novels, such as Alec Forbes, had their influence as well; they were among the first realistic Scottish novels, and as such MacDonald has been credited with founding the “kailyard school” of Scottish writing. His son Greville MacDonald became a noted medical specialist, a pioneer of the Peasant Arts movement, and also wrote numerous fairy tales for children. Greville ensured that new editions of his father’s works were published. Another son, Ronald MacDonald, was also a novelist. Ronald’s son, Philip MacDonald, (George MacDonald’s grandson) became a very well known Hollywood screenwriter. Theology MacDonald rejected the doctrine of penal substitutionary atonement as developed by John Calvin, which argues that Christ has taken the place of sinners and is punished by the wrath of God in their place, believing that in turn it raised serious questions about the character and nature of God. Instead, he taught that Christ had come to save people from their sins, and not from a Divine penalty for their sins. The problem was not the need to appease a wrathful God but the disease of cosmic evil itself. George MacDonald frequently described the Atonement in terms similar to the Christus Victor theory. MacDonald posed the rhetorical question, “Did he not foil and slay evil by letting all the waves and billows of its horrid sea break upon him, go over him, and die without rebound—spend their rage, fall defeated, and cease? Verily, he made atonement!” MacDonald was convinced that God does not punish except to amend, and that the sole end of His greatest anger is the amelioration of the guilty. As the doctor uses fire and steel in certain deep-seated diseases, so God may use hell-fire if necessary to heal the hardened sinner. MacDonald declared, “I believe that no hell will be lacking which would help the just mercy of God to redeem his children.” MacDonald posed the rhetorical question, “When we say that God is Love, do we teach men that their fear of Him is groundless?” He replied, “No. As much as they fear will come upon them, possibly far more.... The wrath will consume what they call themselves; so that the selves God made shall appear.” However, true repentance, in the sense of freely chosen moral growth, is essential to this process, and, in MacDonald’s optimistic view, inevitable for all beings (see universal reconciliation). He recognised the theoretical possibility that, bathed in the eschatological divine light, some might perceive right and wrong for what they are but still refuse to be transfigured by operation of God’s fires of love, but he did not think this likely. In this theology of divine punishment, MacDonald stands in opposition to Augustine of Hippo, and in agreement with the Greek Church Fathers Clement of Alexandria, Origen, and St. Gregory of Nyssa, although it is unknown whether MacDonald had a working familiarity with Patristics or Eastern Orthodox Christianity. At least an indirect influence is likely, because F. D. Maurice, who influenced MacDonald, knew the Greek Fathers, especially Clement, very well. MacDonald states his theological views most distinctly in the sermon Justice found in the third volume of Unspoken Sermons. In his introduction to George MacDonald: An Anthology, C. S. Lewis speaks highly of MacDonald’s theology: “This collection, as I have said, was designed not to revive MacDonald’s literary reputation but to spread his religious teaching. Hence most of my extracts are taken from the three volumes of Unspoken Sermons. My own debt to this book is almost as great as one man can owe to another: and nearly all serious inquirers to whom I have introduced it acknowledge that it has given them great help—sometimes indispensable help toward the very acceptance of the Christian faith. ... I know hardly any other writer who seems to be closer, or more continually close, to the Spirit of Christ Himself. Hence his Christ-like union of tenderness and severity. Nowhere else outside the New Testament have I found terror and comfort so intertwined.... In making this collection I was discharging a debt of justice. I have never concealed the fact that I regarded him as my master; indeed I fancy I have never written a book in which I did not quote from him. But it has not seemed to me that those who have received my books kindly take even now sufficient notice of the affiliation. Honesty drives me to emphasize it.” Bibliography Fantasy * Phantastes: A Fairie Romance for Men and Women (1858) * “Cross Purposes” (1862) * Adela Cathcart (1864), containing “The Light Princess”, “The Shadows”, and other short stories * The Portent: A Story of the Inner Vision of the Highlanders, Commonly Called “The Second Sight” (1864) * Dealings with the Fairies (1867), containing “The Golden Key”, “The Light Princess”, “The Shadows”, and other short stories * At the Back of the North Wind (1871) * Works of Fancy and Imagination (1871), including Within and Without, “Cross Purposes”, “The Light Princess”, “The Golden Key”, and other works * The Princess and the Goblin (1872) * The Wise Woman: A Parable (1875) (Published also as “The Lost Princess: A Double Story”; or as “A Double Story”.) * The Gifts of the Child Christ and Other Tales (1882; republished as Stephen Archer and Other Tales) * The Day Boy and the Night Girl (1882) * The Princess and Curdie (1883), a sequel to The Princess and the Goblin * The Flight of the Shadow (1891) * Lilith: A Romance (1895) Realistic fiction * David Elginbrod (1863; republished as The Tutor’s First Love), originally published in three volumes * Alec Forbes of Howglen (1865; republished as The Maiden’s Bequest) * Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood (1867) * Guild Court: A London Story (1868) * Robert Falconer (1868; republished as The Musician’s Quest) * The Seaboard Parish (1869), a sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neighbourhood * Ranald Bannerman’s Boyhood (1871) * Wilfrid Cumbermede (1871–72) * The Vicar’s Daughter (1871–72), a sequel to Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood and The Seaboard Parish * The History of Gutta Percha Willie, the Working Genius (1873), usually called simply Gutta Percha Willie * Malcolm (1875) * St. George and St. Michael (1876) * Thomas Wingfold, Curate (1876; republished as The Curate’s Awakening) * The Marquis of Lossie (1877; republished as The Marquis’ Secret), the second book of Malcolm * Paul Faber, Surgeon (1879; republished as The Lady’s Confession), a sequel to Thomas Wingfold, Curate * Sir Gibbie (1879; republished as The Baronet’s Song) * Mary Marston (1881; republished as A Daughter’s Devotion) * Warlock o’ Glenwarlock (1881; republished as Castle Warlock and The Laird’s Inheritance) * Weighed and Wanting (1882; republished as A Gentlewoman’s Choice) * Donal Grant (1883; republished as The Shepherd’s Castle), a sequel to Sir Gibbie * What’s Mine’s Mine (1886; republished as The Highlander’s Last Song) * Home Again: A Tale (1887; republished as The Poet’s Homecoming) * The Elect Lady (1888; republished as The Landlady’s Master) * A Rough Shaking (1891) * There and Back (1891; republished as The Baron’s Apprenticeship), a sequel to Thomas Wingfold, Curate and Paul Faber, Surgeon * Heather and Snow (1893; republished as The Peasant Girl’s Dream) * Salted with Fire (1896; republished as The Minister’s Restoration) * Far Above Rubies (1898) Poetry * Twelve of the Spiritual Songs of Novalis (1851), privately printed translation of the poetry of Novalis * Within and Without: A Dramatic Poem (1855) * Poems (1857) * “A Hidden Life” and Other Poems (1864) * “The Disciple” and Other Poems (1867) * Exotics: A Translation of the Spiritual Songs of Novalis, the Hymn-book of Luther, and Other Poems from the German and Italian (1876) * Dramatic and Miscellaneous Poems (1876) * Diary of an Old Soul (1880) * A Book of Strife, in the Form of the Diary of an Old Soul (1880), privately printed * The Threefold Cord: Poems by Three Friends (1883), privately printed, with Greville Matheson and John Hill MacDonald * Poems (1887) * The Poetical Works of George MacDonald, 2 Volumes (1893) * Scotch Songs and Ballads (1893) * Rampolli: Growths from a Long-planted Root (1897) Nonfiction * Unspoken Sermons (1867) * England’s Antiphon (1868, 1874) * The Miracles of Our Lord (1870) * Cheerful Words from the Writing of George MacDonald (1880), compiled by E. E. Brown * Orts: Chiefly Papers on the Imagination, and on Shakespeare (1882) * “Preface” (1884) to Letters from Hell (1866) by Valdemar Adolph Thisted * The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke: A Study With the Test of the Folio of 1623 (1885) * Unspoken Sermons, Second Series (1885) * Unspoken Sermons, Third Series (1889) * A Cabinet of Gems, Cut and Polished by Sir Philip Sidney; Now, for the More Radiance, Presented Without Their Setting by George MacDonald (1891) * The Hope of the Gospel (1892) * A Dish of Orts (1893) * Beautiful Thoughts from George MacDonald (1894), compiled by Elizabeth Dougall In popular culture * (Alphabetical by artist) * Christian celtic punk band Ballydowse have a song called “George MacDonald” on their album Out of the Fertile Crescent. The song is both taken from MacDonald’s poem “My Two Geniuses” and liberally quoted from Phantastes. * American classical composer John Craton has utilized several of MacDonald’s stories in his works, including “The Gray Wolf” (in a tone poem of the same name for solo mandolin– 2006) and portions of “The Cruel Painter”, Lilith, and The Light Princess (in Three Tableaux from George MacDonald for mandolin, recorder, and cello– 2011). * Contemporary new-age musician Jeff Johnson wrote a song titled “The Golden Key” based on George MacDonald’s story of the same name. He has also written several other songs inspired by MacDonald and the Inklings. * Jazz pianist and recording artist Ray Lyon has a song on his CD Beginning to See (2007), called “Up The Spiral Stairs”, which features lyrics from MacDonald’s 26 and 27 September devotional readings from the book Diary of an Old Soul. * A verse from The Light Princess is cited in the “Beauty and the Beast” song by Nightwish. * Rock group The Waterboys titled their album Room to Roam (1990) after a passage in MacDonald’s Phantastes, also found in Lilith. The title track of the album comprises a MacDonald poem from the text of Phantastes set to music by the band. The novels Lilith and Phantastes are both named as books in a library, in the title track of another Waterboys album, Universal Hall (2003). (The Waterboys have also quoted from C. S. Lewis in several songs, including “Church Not Made With Hands” and “Further Up, Further In”, confirming the enduring link in modern pop culture between MacDonald and Lewis.) References Wikipedia—

Francesco D'Addino

L'autore nasce a Monaco di Baviera ( Germania) il 3 luglio del 1987, da genitori calabresi e , dopo un'infanzia trascorsa fra l'Italia e la Baviera , nel 1994 la sua esistenza si stabilizza definitivamente in Calabria, dove compirà gli studi della propria formazione. All'età di 8/9 anni inizia a mostrare una particolare predilezione per l'arte figurativa ( il fumetto ) e successivamente nei primi anni dell'adolescenza , tale interesse si sposta su un altro canale espressivo, ovvero la scrittura e nella fattispecie la poesia, tant'è che nel 2019 pubblica una raccolta di poesie dal titolo " Pane al pane, vino al vino"©con una piccola casa editrice locale, contenente componimenti scritti fra il 2003 ed il 2018. Nel periodo pre- pandemia mette in ordine altri componimenti, racchiudendoli in una raccolta dal titolo "Crisalidi, amnesie di un giorno all'imbrunire"©; scritti che appariranno anche in ordine sparso su diverse antologie e su diverse riviste dedicate alla poesia. Negli anni, partecipa a numerosi concorsi di poesia , tant'è che in uno di questi, precisamente nel 2015 ( al Poetry slam Murazzi) è fra i dieci finalisti a livello regionale ( Calabria). Consegue presso l'Unical , nel 2013 la Laurea in Scienze dell'Educazione. Attualmente vive ancora nella casa in campagna, del paesino calabro della provincia di Cosenza e, a tutt'oggi l'autore trova la linfa necessaria per vivere nella potenza evocativa dell'arte e della poesia ; a suo modo di vedere "Madre rigenerante"dalle capacità curative.

Sandra Pien

Nació en Buenos Aires el 18 de enero de 1960. Es licenciada en Letras por la Universidad de Buenos Aires, periodista, docente y editora. Ha publicado La Fiesta del Ser, poemas, (Ed. Vinciguerra,1994), premiado en 1995 por la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores. En 1996 una selección de sus poemas apareció en la antología Poesía Argentina de Fin de Siglo. En Patagonia Rumbo Sur (Ed. Vinciguerra, 1998), poemario bilingüe español-inglés ilustrado fotográficamente por Chacho Rodríguez Muñoz, realiza un viaje intemporal a través de la inmensidad patagónica, donde los temas surgen de ese espacio sólo en apariencia vacío, poblado por incontables voces que el viento guarda. En 1999, año del centenario del nacimiento de Jorge Luis Borges, publicó Poema en Nueve Cantos (Ed. Vinciguerra), un homenaje a la monumental huella que el gran poeta dejó en su escritura; obra que apareció conjuntamente en formato libro y en internet, en el sitio Ejerciendo el periodismo cultural, despliega el género de la entrevista con la gran versatilidad devenida de las dos vertientes que convergen en ella: la literatura y la gráfica. Paralelamente, sus poemas son editados en diversas revistas y publicaciones literarias de la Argentina, América Latina y Portugal. Ese año de 1999 publicó también la investigación periodística Un argentino llamado Mosconi. Un siglo de petróleo en la Argentina y la historia del hombre que lo convirtió en un instrumento para el desarrollo de la Nación , con prólogo de María Esther de Miguel. En 2002 editó Mascarón de proa, poemas (Ed. Edivérn), con prólogo de María Rosa Lojo. En Poemas 2003 publicó una selección de los libros inéditos Materia prima e Intemperies, en Summa poética II (Ed. Vinciguerra, 2004). En 2007 formó parte de la antología Poesía Argentina Contemporánea realizada por la Fundación Argentina para la Poesía, FAP. Al año siguiente, esta misma institución le otorgó el Premio Puma de Plata por su labor periodística en difusión de la poesía. A fines de 2010 editó Aquí no duele -50 poemas– (Ed. Vinciguerra). En 2016 apareció Calle Charcas. Poemas de barbarie para leer escuchando Summertime de George Gershwin, en Summa Poética - Vinciguerra 30° Aniversario, Caja estuche con la participación de 25 poemarios de 25 poetas (Ed. Vinciguerra, 2016). Desde 2013 y hasta fines de 2017 dirigió talleres de “Abordajes Poéticos” para la FAP en la Sociedad Argentina de Escritores y condujo luego la experiencia pionera de un programa en vivo online de taller de lectoescritura visual y radial para esta misma institución señera de la poesía en la Argentina. En agosto de 2017, tres poemas inéditos en libros fueron publicados entre las págs. 84/85, en el N° 137 de la prestigiosa revista de literatura Hispamérica, una de las más importantes publicaciones de referencia del latinoamericanismo académico internacional, realizada, creada y editada desde 1972 por Saúl Sosnowski, Dr. en Letras y catedrático de la Universidad de Maryland, Estados Unidos. En 2020 participó en la antología 24 poetas mujeres hoy II (Ed. Imaginante). En abril de 2021, Imprex Ediciones publicó El gato de Rodas y otros santuarios desolados, poemas. En diciembre de 2021, Ed. Vinciguerra editó Aviso para caminantes (poemas de pandemia y otros) .
