a b c d e f g h l m n o p r s t v Toutes

Graduada de Diseño Interior en la Universidad José Cecilio del Valle (1994). Profesorado en Arte con licenciatura en Artes Plásticas, en la Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán. Estudios de Licenciatura en Historia en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras. Docente universitario Escritora y poeta. Creadora del sello editorial 'Libélula editores'. Certificación en docencia virtual, LASPAU-HARVARD 2022. Hacia una práctica constructivista, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. (2020). Estrategias de Evaluación y desarrollado en modalidad E-Learning. Fundación de Waal (2020). Ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje y habilidades pedagógicas para una docencia estratégica. Adaptación curricular, UJCV (2013-2014). Metodologías interactivas para el salón de clases, Programa Desarrollo Sostenible en Centroamérica DESCA-GIZ. 2011. Comunicación Visual aplicada al desarrollo, Red de Desarrollo Sostenible – RDS Red de Desarrollo Sostenible (2016) Columnista (2003-2012) en varios diarios de su país, Revista cheque y Habitar, en temas de interiorismo, construcción, arte y literatura. Revista de Reflexión y debate sobre Educación Superior y Desarrollo Sostenible en Centroamérica /AUPRICA volumen Julio/2010. Fue miembro del grupo editor y columnista de Arte/Cultura y literatura en periódico La Razón (2003-2012). Miembro y articulista en FOROALFA, revista de reflexión debate y foro sobre diseño, branding y comunicación. Actualmente columnista de la Revista Casi Literal ( Trabajo literario publicado en El Post Antillano de Puerto Rico (2013). Revista Biografía Literaria Internacional de Daufen Bach Brasil (2011). Revista Cultural Vetas, Santo Domingo, República Dominicana (2014). Participación en los festivales: Primer Festival Universal del Libro y las letras, por el Congreso Universal de Escritores, Lima, Perú. (2020). Encuentro Literario Internacional “Un viaje por América”, del Centro Cultural Fray Matías, Tapachula, México (2020). XIII y XVI Parlamento Internacional de Escritores de Colombia, en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia (2014-2017). Festival Mundial de Poesía "Cien Voces con Monseñor" El Salvador, San Salvador(2017). Festival Poética Musical, de Indeleble Editores, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala (2015). El Parlamento Internacional de Escritores de Colombia, en Cartagena; le otorga en el 2014 el nombramiento de Cónsul Literario representante para Honduras. Antologías 2021 formó parte del libro ‘Honduras sabor de sueño’ patrocinado por la Universidad Pablo Olavide, de Sevilla, España, EnRedArs y Mujeres en las Artes (MUA). 2017 y en el marco del 10° aniversario del Centro Cultural de España en Tegucigalpa (CCET) es invitada a participar en la antología «10 años, 100 mil palabras». 2016 participa en el proyecto «Antología La Fuerza De La Palabra» de Jordania, proyecto Hispano Árabe Camino Hacia La Paz del Dr. en lenguas Ali El-Shboul Presidente Nacional de UMECEP del Reino de Jordania, Universidad de Yarmouk. 2011 forma parte de «Antología Poética», homenaje póstumo a Ricardo Antonio Redondo, poetas de Honduras y Chile. 2007 Antología «Sociedad Anónima, Antología de poetas inéditos» de País Poesible. Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Libros publicados Silentium, 2008. Quiescente, 2010. Glossarium, 2013. Historias de insomnios y delirios, 2014. Pronóstico, 2016. Espejismos de un bufón, 2017. Hoguera, recopilación de poesía inédita , publicado por Fundación Metáfora San Salvador, El Salvador año 2017. En narrativa Mundo de marionetas con Indeleble Editores, Guatemala, 2018. Cadencias de amor en el silencio, a dúo con el ensayista argentino Humberto Garín, 2020.

Gary Oliver

Gary Oliver is a writer, poet, and performer born in North Staffordshire in 1966. He spent much of his early years as a club MC and hip-hop rapper before pursuing higher education. Oliver holds a BA in Theatre and Performance from Staffordshire University and an MA in Applied Arts from the University of Manchester. Oliver began writing poetry and short stories to pay for the magazine adverts of his coffee shop. His first book, Woodun Indians, sold out in six months, and he recently celebrated the launch of his book Dear Love Powa by serenading lovers on Valentine's Day. Oliver is widely regarded as one of the foremost and influential writer performance poets of his generation. His new book, SONNETS OF SOLACE, is a profound collection of work inspired by Shakespeare published by Quhwah publications on worldwide release. In 1991/2, Oliver toured with Happy Mondays, and in 1994/5, he wrote The Rave Poems: BOMB MAGAZINE, a series of comic rhymes inspired by modern youth culture. In 1994, he became a promoter and DJ/MC at Sin City, a poetry and art club night. In 1994/5, he co-founded the Deep Theatre Group, and from 1996 to 1999, he co-founded, organized, and compared Sunday in the Park, an annual charity event. In 1999, Oliver became a Quhwah Publications Author, and his works include Captured Letters: a collection of love Poems, Young Black Teenager: an epic verse lament tribute to Stephen Lawrence, Verbal Dexterity: In The Face Of Incredulity, Woodun Indians: a book of global stories, urban rhymes, and eco poetry, and DEAR LOVE POWA, a book of sonnets, love songs, and verse. In 2000, Oliver founded and became the Director of Verbal Arts, an arts company based in North Staffordshire and serving the North West and Midlands. In 2002/3, he founded Trade, a live rap/poetry night, and in 2004, he started DJ SCHOOL, the first music and arts group for young people in the UK. In 2005, he published MC RAVE, a fictional book exploring the rave scene, and in 2007-2021, he opened the U7 Arts and Cultural Centre, an independent arts centre for young vulnerable artists. In 2008, Oliver led the youth festival for Liverpool 08 city of culture, and in 2009, he led a project exploring War poets and contributed to a book called Remembrance Poets with a group of new writers, published by Quhwah. In 2010, he ran youth projects in Longsight Manchester to decrease anti-social behaviour and to increase participation in the arts and education. In 2011, he ran a series of small arts activity days across Staffordshire exploring the environment and mental health wellbeing in poor communities. Since 2012, he has been running a weekly multi-arts program drop-ins for people suffering from mental health problems. In 2015, he started u7 sound, an accessible sound and recording for poor artists. From 2017 to 2019, he expanded and developed the provision of arts at DJ School, and in 2020-21, he published SONNETS OF SOLACE, which is now available worldwide. #poetry #desire #inspire #love #climate #new

Antonella Pederiva

BIOGRAFIA DI ANTONELLA PEDERIVA - Poeta e Scrittrice Antonella Pederiva è una collaboratrice giornalistica, web citizen journalist, scrittrice e poeta, appassionata di musica, arte, psicologia e filosofia. Nel 2017 dà alle stampe il suo libro d'esordio, “Anima d’aquila” (Alpinia Itinera), 90 poesie scelte a coprire l’arco di una vita. Nel 2019, per Aletti Editore, pubblica “Fiore di Loto” che viene così introdotto da Alessandro Quasimodo, figlio del premio Nobel Salvatore Quasimodo: “ […] una metafora dell’uomo puro in mezzo al fango che non si adatta a degli stereotipi, che non accetta passivamente i dogmi degli altri, ma che si sforza di conoscere, di vivere nel dilemma, in una perenne discussione costruttiva[…]”. Numerosi i concorsi a cui ha partecipato, ottenendo sempre ottimi risultati di classifica e consensi dalla critica, terzo posto al Premio Postumia 1997, diploma d’onore con menzione d’encomio per “Anima d’aquila” al Premio Internazionale Michelangelo Buonarroti di Seravezza (Lucca) 2017, (premio in cui verrà segnalata nel 2018, diploma d’onore con menzione d’encomio anche nel 2019), segnalata al Premio “Il Bottaccio” 2017, finalista, segnalata e premiata con menzione di merito in decine di altri concorsi, tra i quali il Premio Il Tiburtino, il Premio Internazionale Salvatore Quasimodo, Il Premio Internazionale Maria Cumani Quasimodo, Il Premio Internazionale Dostoevskij, Premio La panchina dei versi, Premio Parole in Fuga, Premio Dedicato Giornata Mondiale della Poesia, Premio Habere Artem, Premio Tre colori, Premio Letterario Nativo del Pizzo, Premio Verrà il mattino e avrà un tuo verso, Premio Tra un fiore colto e l’altro donato. Attestato di Merito con medaglia diamantata al Premio Alda Merini 2020, Segnalazione della giuria al Premio SetArt 2023, Premio della Critica al Premio Emozioni in versi 2023. Moltissime anche le antologie in cui è presente con i suoi versi, tra queste, oltre alle antologie dei suddetti premi, anche le antologie del Premio Città di Monza 2017 e 2018, del Premio Città di Montegrotto Terme 2018 e del Premio I poeti dell’Adda 2018. Presto darà alle stampe il suo terzo libro, "La metamorfosi del cuore".
