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Ronald Harvey Wohl

Ronald Harvey Wohl has been writing poetry since he was 12-years old following his father's death. His new book of poems, "Hope and Joy" will be published fall, 2013. Ron loves people. He sees the glass as always at least 3/4 full and believes that everyone can dream, strive to reach their dreams, make mistakes, learn from their mistakes and be the best they can be. He believes in helping people help themselves. Ron loves his children and grand children and believs there should be no impediments to each person success. Ron is a graduate of the George Washington University BA 1965, and attended the George Washington University Law School and the Masters in Business Administration Program at American University with as special focus in marketing, marketing research and management. Ron is a practicing applied psychological anthropologist with a focus in religion, witchcraft, sorcery, and spirituality, and introducing change into business and other cultures. He founded and was CEO of a management communications consulting for 35 years which specialized in introducing plain English into all forms of communication to produce clarity and promote ease of operation. Ron is a Certified Management Consultant and mentor of consultants. Ron has had an extremely active political career in business and community leadrership, including running for the Maryland Legislature, being appointed as member and then chair of the Montgomery County, MD Commission on the Humanities for 9-years, being elected to the boards of directors of several parent and school organizations, homeowner associations, civic associations and other business and professional associations. He is married 48-years to his college sweetheart, has two talented and successful daughters, sons-in law, and 3 wonderful grandchildren. Ron was born in Washington, DC and hopes to retire there as well. He vacations in the mountains of West Virginia and travels the world.

Bethaney Gregory

I am 17 years old, and I have gone through many things that a 17 year old shouldn't go through. I lost my sister when I was 11 years old, and I lost my uncle when I was 15, and I lost my aunt when I was 15 years old too. My Aunt went through depression and ended up killing herself, and my Uncle was a firefighter and was going on a call and his firetruck flipped over and he died. My other Aunt died of Cancer and so did my Grandpa (who was fighting for 4 long years), and my Cousin had a heart attack. As of right now my Great Aunt has cancer in her ovaries, and my Grandma has breast cancer. I have a big chance on getting cancer too, when I'm older. I found out when I was 14 years old that my whole life was a lie. My moms boyfriend at this time ended up being my biological father and my dad, mom, or my real dad never told me about it. My real father told me out of anger that I was really his child. It took me 3 years to deal with this fact, because of this I have 3 men in my life. I have my daddy (who is the man who raised me and is my best friend), I have my mom (the women who tried her best for me and my many siblings), and I have my biological father (who is now trying and is there for me). I also have 6 brothers and sisters who are there for me when I need them. I went through a lot of depression when I was 10 years old to 15 years old. I use to cut a lot and I haven't in almost 3 years.Everyone says God works in many of different ways and loosing all the people I have makes me wonder about God. But I do go to Church and Youth group and I do know that there's a God, A Heaven, and that Angels are real. My poetry helps me get through all the things that I've gone through. I am a survivor, I have had many terrible things happen in my life, and all the things I just shared with you isn't all of them. I am strong, and I know I can go through any situation no matter how big or small.
