


Being in love and liking someone are two different things.
You can find yourself thinking and dreaming about those five people you fancy but can’t choose the one who’s meant to be’
That’s life in simple words.
You find yourself flirting and falling in love
But the next day you no longer notice each other.
You may ask yourself why it is impossible to say what you truly feel.
We always fall in love with the wrong person not realising that the one we need is always by our side.
Can there be a relationship without cheating?
If so then can there be one without demands?
Love is a beautiful factor but it doesn’t last forever unless you’re willing to treasure it.
Here’s a saying; if you love something let it go but if it comes back then this time you’ll know!-it doesn’t always work like that, going back is never easy and moving on is not either.
Sometimes we just wish that choosing a partner could be just like choosing an outfit, which is rather hard sometimes but we always make it work.
Have you ever been in love and can’t simply hold yourself?
Nobody can define ^LOVE^and that is why it’s so enchanting to reveal its mysteries.
I used to think wishes came true and I could wish to be with the one I love.
One mistake in life is not following your heart and I regret the day I lost the opportunity given to me.
Never fear to say what you truly feel, it might be the best thing that has ever happened to you!!!!


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