

I’m the husband
That never showed up
The boyfriend that never
Made it to your door
The uncle without
A nephew or niece
The brother whose siblings
He’ll never meet.
I’m a son
On and on.
That is all I’ll ever be,
So it better be good enough for me.
Christmas brings
Cheer to your home
Thanksgiving won’t find
You alone
A bevy of pumpkins
Light up Halloween
And for Valentine’s
Your heart won’t be free.
But I’m just a son
And I must go on
Pretending that life is okay
Cuz everything’s fine and so gay.
Don’t take that away
God, to Thee I pray,
Let me this have
'Tis not much to ask:
To sing this along
For years to come
Never on my own
For I am your son.

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