
Our Oily Liberation of Imagination

We rejoice with calls of hashluljah
The golden hashish is beckoning
The time to smoke’s upon us again
The love of God found in oily resin
A substance of kindness and hope
Our cherishing panacea of potency
Pungent oil secreted by herb bush
A soul remedy that fixes our aches
Hashish smoke massages our mind
We are blazed by the force of hash
Our thoughts are coloured by weed
Our visions supercharged by tizzy
We feel our soul calmed by hashish
Our dreams and fantasies are born
Under the influence of a pot sheen
A golden hash slick of high thought
With a cry of hashluljah we inhale
The eternal holy smoke of hashish
Sacrament of mind and imagination
An oily libation of soulful liberation
We call hashluljah full of jubilation
We affirm our dedication with hash
Hashish the adhesive of existence
O golden oily resin that soothes us

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