
Writer's Block

Writer’s block is such a pain
A pen and a paper but nothing to say
Do I talk about how Obama and this election
Brought America’s racism into the light of day?
Or about...
How hard times are so easy to come by
But the times you wanna hold by your side
Come but don’t stay
And are forgotten in about the blink of an eye?
The friends you need or miss are the ones who you see less
And the people who are there aren’t who you’d really expect
Though if the ends justify the means
It would explain why in the end I always feel blessed?
Do I talk about...
When you have a situation where you don’t know what happened
Until you sit back, relax, and examine
That if you weren’t so damn honest
The chances you missed out on, You’d probably still have 'em?
Why pain is the only thing that teaches lessons
And faith is never valuable to a person until its tested
And when a wrong decision is made
Its the only time a person looks back and regrets it?
Or about...
How easy lying is and how underrated is honesty
Consequences are usually worse, but its still the best policy
God didn’t give teeth to bite your tongue
So if you lose somebody over the truth, you’re better off honestly?
All these thoughts bouncing around
Still stuck in this writer’s drought
So many subjects but
I still don’t know what to write about
Autres oeuvres par Quito Martinez...
