
The caust of abortion

People lined up at a wall, one by one they fall,
All around the world they call this murder, and are appalled
But then a child with no choice is murdered every day,
It’s overlooked and disregarded as a necessary way,
To take care of peoples problems,
That they caused themselves,
If they had avoided it,
All would be ok,
At one mans order thousands fall,
Children, parents, adults all,
People round the world they stand,
Mouths wide, appalled and horror-struck,
That one mans orders caused the holocaust,
Than babies die before their first breathe,
And people go on with their lives as if,
Nothing had ever happened
As people cry, and children die
We should all remember,
That life isn’t always short,
If it can’t even start


This is a poem about abortion and the holocaust. I wrote this after reading the Boy in The Striped Pyjamas, i did a bit of research about abortion and decided to make a poem about both. I called it "The caust of abortion" because it talks about the holocaust and abortion, so instead of 'The cost of abortion' i did "The caust of abortion". I also want to make clear that i think the holocaust was a terrible event in history and i am not trying to make it small, i am just trying to say the people knew this was wrong, but (some) people consider abortion as okay.

Other works by R. Coles...
