
Fuck Society

Let me ask you something.
When your teachers speak of the past
And the rights battles for women and people of color
Do they say anything about how they are still going today
Do they even dare mention the fight for rights
Of people who were born in the wrong body
Of people who are shamed and hated
Because of the people they choose to like?
They keep quiet
They keep the younger generations in the dark
When we should be the ones to know
We are inheriting the world that our elders have destroyed
We are made to pick up the broken pieces
And trying to make everything okay.
It’s like trying to fix a vase
It’s stuck together but you can still see the cracks
And every little one of those cracks tell a story
A story of women who are too scared to go out at night
Of a man trying to use the bathroom
Or a woman trying to do the same
But both are too scared to be judged and broken
A story of a boy who was raped but doesn’t say anything
A story of two men who love each other deeply
But are forced to only love each other at home.
A story of black men and women beaten to death or killed
Without justice for the person with blood on their hands
Why does no one say anything or try to fix it?
This world is fucked
Because people still try and turn away
Like if they ignore it
It wouldn’t have really happened
Now let me tell you a story
Of a little kid
Who grew up thinking
That who they were
Was a reason they could be tormented their whole life
And that made them scared
Deathly scared
So when they came out to their parents
Both times
They were deathly afraid and on verge of a panic attack
And couldn’t tell them face to face
But had to instead find a way to write or type it to them.
That child
Was me
15 years old
And Terrified
And Outraged
At society
At the social norms they forced upon us
To make women afraid
And hate their bodies
To make men fear being weak
And being even remotely feminine
To make children follow gender norms
And be afraid of who they are
To make people hate anything out of the ordinary
And to make people scared of being themselves
No matter how much joy it gives them
Because they are afraid of being broken
Fuck you Society
Fuck you for making us think we were in the wrong
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